Created as an innovative and unique merger of three related yet independent elements, the Group offers a powerful track-record of technology, experience and excellence. The dynamic synergism resulting from this particular merger puts Bemacol Invest S.A. at the cutting edge of its field, perfectly poised to meet the challenges of tomorrow's world markets.
Our investments are at various stages of development, ranging from well established, cash generating businesses to early-stage companies and span several geographies and industries in both the private and public domains.
With a culture that combines entrepreneurial spirit and financial discipline, led by the highly experienced business leaders, the Group is organized in three different Business Units
Specializing on technological and innovative solutions, the Group continues to execute the longstanding business strategy of seeking to acquire or invest in primarily growth-oriented, profitable businesses in the commercial, industrial and financial markets, offering a comprehensive range of tailor-made integrated business services, products and solutions that help our clients grow and succeed in their endeavor.
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Bemacol Invest SA